August 23, 2016

Poles Tell "Story" on Agoura Road

Story poles have been erected on the south side of Agoura Road at the western end of the city. They show the outlines of the proposed senior apartment project, "The Park at Ladyface Mountain Senior Apartments." The proposed project will be heard by the Planning Commission on Thursday, September 1, at 6:30 P.M. at City Hall.

We have some concerns about the use, size and density of this project, located at the base of Ladyface Mountain.The project consists of two three-story buildings with a total of 46 apartments and a separate 3,004 sq. ft. senior recreation center. The buildings are 34 feet in height, right up against the road. . There is a total of 104,138 sq. ft. of building on 7.1 acres. The project requires an amendment to the Ladyface Mountain specific plan to allow a residential use. It also requires multiple variances to reduce front, side and rear yard setbacks and to increase the height of retaining walls.

The story poles give Agoura Hills residents a good opportunity to visualize what the project will look like before the Planning Commission makes its decision. The height of the buildings and their proximity to Agoura Road are of particular concern, since they require a variance. The height of the retaining walls is also a concern, since they also require a variance. The project also requires the removal of 30 oak trees and encroachment into the protected zone of 35 oak trees. In addition, the applicant is requesting two monument signs instead of the one which is allowed.

We urge you to take a ride on Agoura Road to see the story poles and determine whether you believe that this is a reasonable plan for the foot of Ladyface Mountain. If you have concerns, please take the opportunity to send them to the Agoura Hills Planning Commission at City Hall, with a request that they become part of the report that the Commission will review before making its recommendation.


Anonymous said...

It broke my heart to see the story poles go up. I wish Agoura would retain some of the open space which brought a lot of people out there. It's starting to look like every other town lining the 101 freeway.

Anonymous said...

Its heartbreaking to see people wanting to build on beautiful untouched land in Agoura. If people continue to be allowed to build, it will destroy the reason why people moved here, all the hills in "Agoura Hills" will be gone, and it will be building after building after building. The natural beauty of Agoura will be gone. This is not what we, the residents want. We moved here because of the natural untouched land this place holds. If we wanted to live in a city more developed, we would, and we wouldn't live here. We do live here for the natural untouched land Agoura has for us, and we want and like it that way. We dont want another strip mall, more places for people to live, more big company businesses to be built on another beautiful serene hillside. Please leave the natural untouched land alone. To the city council, isint that why you moved to Agoura too, because it didn't look like the neighboring built up conrete overloaded cities?